This is Librē

Librē is developed as a functional, visually appealing, user-friendly, memory efficient, and organized flexible digital library to help facilitate the delivery of digital modules/digital resources to the students.

why use Librē?


With the introduction of Librē's SHELF in the latest build updates, students can create and manage their own digital library within the software.


The Design implemented within the software follows proper ergonomics.
Its design component is anchored towards visibility and readability.


With the introduction of Librē's SHELF in the latest build updates, students can create and manage their own digital library within the software.

What this software solves:

Minimal Existence of
Digitally-Oriented Mechanisms

to support teachers and students that affects their overall performance and efficiency when doing school works specially on the resource-side of things.

Scarcity of Access to
Digital Educational Materials

Despite the modernization in our technology, many students fin themselves lost when looking for digital educational materials that they may utilize as a supplement to their studies

and of course...
Static Digital Libraries

Digital Libraries are contiously developed but there is one problem. They are widely static that not only hinders a user's capacity to add their own resources. But also the resources are limited to the organization's input to their software.

the team behind Librē

This is Team JAR
Young and enthusiastic students. That's who we are, and this is a ride through who we are and how we became the team that brings educational resources for free, and easily.

Back in 2018, our team was founded with the sponsorship of MNCHS' STEM Program. Through various academic obstacles and engaging collaborations, we dedicated ourselves to a research we didn't expect to reach levels we haven't before.

Our adventures were mainly addressed in our journals, there we went through a sea of companionship and camaraderie for knowledge! And thus, we began working on project Navigator, the alpha and original title of Librē.

It was a small product meant to only benefit the school's ICT, but sir Edwin G. Returan told us that this was the answer to his questions and plans 3 years ago. Like a prophecy had been foretold and we are the catalysts of it. With the help of Sir Ronaldo Ongotan and Maam Aileen Poldo, the work to finish this prophecy has began! But it was slow because we were high school students who work hard but play harder.

Months later, we embarked on a journey that would shed light to our creation and would give us the title of being 3rd place in Regional Innovation Expo held last November 23, 2020.

11 months later, we are fully prepared and fueled to present to you what has become of a brilliant idea and dorky developers who work 24/7 nonstop even though it wasn't a requirement anymore, because why? We dedicated our hearts in a mission to help you, and together we can create better solutions to educational problems!

To be honest, there are only a few people that believes in our own way of doing things. It's always been centered around our own thoughts.

Who would've thought we would win the Regional Pitching Competition of the Philippine Startup Challenge 2021? It was like a miracle.

Our company grows, and this innovation moves forward towards a better future for education and technology.